Witness remarkably swift and dense colonization! Ideal for the colonization process, blend with the substrate in a monotub to achieve maximum yields.
Sterilized Grain
To introduce spores or culture to the grain bag, simply inject through the port in a sterile environment. We consistently advise maintaining clean hands and wearing latex or nitrile gloves to minimize the risk of introducing contaminants.
As a standard practice, we suggest waiting at least one week after receiving the shipment before injecting grain bags to ensure they have not been compromised during transit. Rest assured that your purchase is fully guaranteed, and if your bag was compromised, we will provide a replacement.
We recommend using 2.5-5ccs for each 3lb injection port bag. It is not typically advisable to use an entire syringe in one bag, as this can introduce excessive moisture, leading to over-saturation. Over-saturation may result in pooling and create anaerobic conditions, making it challenging for the mycelium to colonize effectively.